• Bruyères du Mont

    Bruyères du Mont

La maison d'hôtes Les Bruyères du Mont vous accueille dans la Baie du Mont Saint Michel 12 km du Mont St Michel entre St Malo et Granville  Nous vous proposons un séjour entre Bretagne et Normandie au sein de 4 chambres  et un gîte de charme.

Autumn Plantations in Mount Heather Garden

Click on a thumbnail to enlarge
La maison d'hôtes Les Bruyères du Mont vous accueille dans la Baie du Mont Saint Michel 12 km du Mont St Michel entre St Malo et Granville  Nous vous proposons un séjour entre Bretagne et Normandie au sein de 4 chambres  et un gîte de charme.
La maison d'hôtes Les Bruyères du Mont vous accueille dans la Baie du Mont Saint Michel 12 km du Mont St Michel entre St Malo et Granville  Nous vous proposons un séjour entre Bretagne et Normandie au sein de 4 chambres  et un gîte de charme.

The garden of the guest house

Serres de la Forêt, horticulturist and nurseryman at Lucerne Overseas helps us to embellish the garden.

We take advantage this month of November where the tourist activity is quieter to continue to emphasize the garden: cleaning, pruning, collecting leaves, planting spring bulbs, gardening, composting, vegetable garden, setting up shrubs along the terrace of the future room ....


Every year, in autumn and spring, the nurseryman, horticulturist and landscaper of Les Serres de La Forêt located at the Lucerne d'Outremer comes to give us his precious advice. This year, we asked him to help us appoint different trees, flowers, shrubs and perennials composing the garden. To date, a hundred or so plants are provided with slate attached to a small stake with their name. Another day is planned to complete this display.


Also, during your walk in the garden, you will have fun to discover the name of each plant.

New shrubs have been installed, thoughts and primroses, and a second plum tree, this one will give us delicious queen-claudes to find at breakfast. So now we have 2 apple trees, 1 pear tree, 1 fig tree, 2 plum trees, 3 actinidias, raspberries and mulberries. The month of November will therefore be dedicated to exteriors and then leave the garden at rest during the winter period.
