In the vegetable garden: continuation of plantations
The preparation of the plants of the garden whose vegetables will be used for the Table d'hôtes.
Harvest preparation for the upcoming summer:
After the "Ice Saints", safely plant the vegetables and condiments to pick at the best days of the summer.
Courgettes, cucumbers, basil, peppers and peppers now find their place in the garden. Green beans are sown for 2 weeks and in a few days the lifting will be effective. Another sowing will take place next week as well only a third to spread the crops.
The salads are growing quietly and require some heat in May a little cool. Fortunately, the kitchen garden as well as the house are sheltered from the west wind protected all around by high hedges. Shallots, garlic and onions grow perfectly as well as parsley and chives.
In the greenhouse were planted 8 feet of tomatoes and 2 feet of cherry tomatoes
On the fruit side, the melon feet were planted in a new south-facing square. If necessary, water and
let's bring some fertilizer with the compost we have. The many strawberry plants are growing
Well, the flowers are many, the berries are already forming, the harvest will be promising as every year, me to prepare a large amount of strawberry compotes for your breakfast.
In the evening, I make a visit of "control" of the vegetable garden, the Sunday being rather devoted to the maintenance (hoeing, cleaning, special care if needed)
It is always a real pleasure to go find in the kitchen garden some fresh herbs perfuming salads, soups and other dishes, pick up a bowl of strawberries before the birds eat them, cut a sprig of thyme and rosemary to flavor a dish that I will be happy to serve you at night.